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    Labour union invades La Casera

    Labour union invades La Casera
    Last Friday, the manufacturing operations of The La Casera Company, makers of the market leading Apple drink, La Casera, were over-run by an out of control mob led by representatives of the National Union of Food, Beverages and Tobacco of Employees (NUFBTE).

    According to the spokesperson of The Lacasera Company Mr. Tola Bademosi, “Over 200 shouting demonstrators, some bussed in from out of state, broke into the factory which employs over 780 people at its site near Mile 2.  
    “Caught unawares with no prior notice, security guards were unable to hold back the unruly group who broke into the complex, entering offices and production areas.  Production line workers were compelled to stop work and assemble in the factory yard where they were forced to sign membership consent forms to join the union on the spot.  Some of those who refused to sign were brutalized.  
    He also said that employees who were caught filming the disturbance were beaten and their mobile devices were seized.
    SInce then, the production plant has remained closed because the organization could not guarantee the safety of their workers.
    “Management was compelled to shut operations and send everyone home.  The plant has remained closed over the weekend with its fate uncertain as leaders of the mob have threatened to return again with an even larger force.  
    Since its launch in Lagos 15 years ago, La Casera Apple Drink has become one of Nigeria’s top soft drink brands found in stores and traffic situations across the country.  Its success has made The La Casera Company the largest local manufacturer of Carbonated Soft Drinks and 3rd largest in the country, in a market dominated by large multinational groups.
    In the last 12 months the company has also invested in the creation of 2 new brands – Smoov Chapman, Nigeria’s first on-the-go Chapman and most recently, Bold Bitter Lemon Extra.

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